Assalam u alikum: This is an urgent appeal to all of you.
I request each of your kind support of Milli Gazette - the only fortnightly english magazine which raises issues of muslims and downtrodden section of the society. Its unfortunate that 20crore+ muslims of india are unable to sustain & Support a newspaper-cum-magazine that speaks boldy on the problems and difficulties faced by the people.
The pathetic part is that this newspaper has cut short its number of pages due to heavy loss occuring every month. leave alone running on profit - Milli gazette is finding difficult to survive. Its editor janab Zafrul islam khan sahb is a very very bold and fearless person who strongly speak against injustice met to muslim or other downtrodden section of society. I personaly met him in delhi last year and was surprised to see his office which can be decsribed in one word as - Kabaadkhana.
They are pondering over to permanently shut down the print edition if ongoing loss become unbearable. It was hard to believe that a highly qualified person like him - who has studied at Al-Azhar university - was running this paper in such diverse and difficult situation. I dont want to prolong. My request: KINDLY SUBSCRIBE MILLI GAZETTE for yourself & your relatives / friends.
It costs: 350rs per year which many of us spend in 2-3 times of food.
I will be really grateful to you if you help him in his ensuing fight against injustice. Its very simple to subscribe; Go to the link; go to subscribe link & order online. Even without credit card you can book.
I will be pleased if you can inform after subscribing - in this same thread.
I request each of you to subscribe:
Assalam u alikum: This is an urgent appeal to all of you.
I request each of your kind support of Milli Gazette - the only fortnightly english magazine which raises issues of muslims and downtrodden section of the society. Its unfortunate that 20crore+ muslims of india are unable to sustain & Support a newspaper-cum-magazine that speaks boldy on the problems and difficulties faced by the people.
The pathetic part is that this newspaper has cut short its number of pages due to heavy loss occuring every month. leave alone running on profit - Milli gazette is finding difficult to survive. Its editor janab Zafrul islam khan sahb is a very very bold and fearless person who strongly speak against injustice met to muslim or other downtrodden section of society. I personaly met him in delhi last year and was surprised to see his office which can be decsribed in one word as - Kabaadkhana.
They are pondering over to permanently shut down the print edition if ongoing loss become unbearable. It was hard to believe that a highly qualified person like him - who has studied at Al-Azhar university - was running this paper in such diverse and difficult situation. I dont want to prolong. My request: KINDLY SUBSCRIBE MILLI GAZETTE for yourself & your relatives / friends.
It costs: 350rs per year which many of us spend in 2-3 times of food.
I will be really grateful to you if you help him in his ensuing fight against injustice. Its very simple to subscribe; Go to the link; go to subscribe link & order online. Even without credit card you can book.
I will be pleased if you can inform after subscribing - in this same thread.
I request each of you to subscribe:
I request each of your kind support of Milli Gazette - the only fortnightly english magazine which raises issues of muslims and downtrodden section of the society. Its unfortunate that 20crore+ muslims of india are unable to sustain & Support a newspaper-cum-magazine that speaks boldy on the problems and difficulties faced by the people.
The pathetic part is that this newspaper has cut short its number of pages due to heavy loss occuring every month. leave alone running on profit - Milli gazette is finding difficult to survive. Its editor janab Zafrul islam khan sahb is a very very bold and fearless person who strongly speak against injustice met to muslim or other downtrodden section of society. I personaly met him in delhi last year and was surprised to see his office which can be decsribed in one word as - Kabaadkhana.
They are pondering over to permanently shut down the print edition if ongoing loss become unbearable. It was hard to believe that a highly qualified person like him - who has studied at Al-Azhar university - was running this paper in such diverse and difficult situation. I dont want to prolong. My request: KINDLY SUBSCRIBE MILLI GAZETTE for yourself & your relatives / friends.
It costs: 350rs per year which many of us spend in 2-3 times of food.
I will be really grateful to you if you help him in his ensuing fight against injustice. Its very simple to subscribe; Go to the link; go to subscribe link & order online. Even without credit card you can book.
I will be pleased if you can inform after subscribing - in this same thread.
I request each of you to subscribe:

MG | Indian Muslims Leading Newspaper | Alternative media news source from India We are Indian Muslims' First NEWSPAPER in English. Started in January 2000 with both online and print editions, we alhamdulillah represent all Muslim sects and shades of
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