![A BELIEVER OF DARWIN'S THEORY AND A BELIEVER OF ISLAM: DARWIN'S THEORY: 1)Human being come from Apes(Evolution) 2) Men is superior then Women as Evolution of Men is completed and but Women's are not. Women are less creature then Men. 3) African's too not developed species as Evolution process not completed and they are lesser Human being or creature or Species then Europe people and etc... Hitler: Believe of Darwin's Theory and He believe that He is superior than others and he has right to teach or kill others. And He kill the Maximum people in the wolrld. Mao tse tsung (china)(Atheists) "he has killed 14 to 20 million human beings. Benito Mussolini (Italy)(Atheists) "he has killed 400 thousand human being. The Maximum people killed by Atheists in the world 4) Who born with Handicap and with diseases, they too not developed creature. A BELIEVE IN ISLAM: 1) Human being came from Human of one pair of Male and Female Adam(pbuh) and Eve May Allah please with her. [Al-Qur'an Ch 4 Verse 1 And Ch 49 Verse 13] 2) Humans being are best of creation of Allah. [Al-Qur'an ch 95 Verse 4] 3) Men And Women Equal in Islam. [AL-Qur'an ch 2 Verse 228] 4) All Human being are Equal in Islam, no one is superior then other base on colour and geographical area, language etc.. One can be superior then another person by only Taqwa, God Consciousness, follow and worshiper of Allah. [Al-Qur'an ch 30 Verse 23 , Ch 49 Verse 13] 5) Every child born is Innocent and This life test for the here after. [Sahi Muslim Hadith 6426] And [Qur'an ch Ch 2 Verse 155, Ch 8 Verse 28 , Ch 29 Verse 2.] Islam : peace only peace.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s480x480/66096_514502825267104_1542401654_n.jpg)
1)Human being come from Apes(Evolution)
2) Men is superior then Women as Evolution of Men is completed and but Women's are not. Women are less creature then Men.
3) African's too not developed species as Evolution process not completed and they are lesser Human being or creature or Species then Europe people and etc...
Believe of Darwin's Theory and He believe that He is superior than others and he has right to teach or kill others. And He kill the Maximum people in the wolrld.
Mao tse tsung (china)(Atheists)
"he has killed 14 to 20 million human beings.
Benito Mussolini (Italy)(Atheists)
"he has killed 400 thousand human being.
The Maximum people killed by Atheists in the world
4) Who born with Handicap and with diseases, they too not developed creature.
1) Human being came from Human of one pair of Male and Female Adam(pbuh) and Eve May Allah please with her.
[Al-Qur'an Ch 4 Verse 1 And Ch 49 Verse 13]
2) Humans being are best of creation of Allah.
[Al-Qur'an ch 95 Verse 4]
3) Men And Women Equal in Islam.
[AL-Qur'an ch 2 Verse 228]
4) All Human being are Equal in Islam, no one is superior then other base on colour and geographical area, language etc..
One can be superior then another person by only Taqwa, God Consciousness, follow and worshiper of Allah.
[Al-Qur'an ch 30 Verse 23 , Ch 49 Verse 13]
5) Every child born is Innocent and This life test for the here after.
[Sahi Muslim Hadith 6426] And [Qur'an ch Ch 2 Verse 155, Ch 8 Verse 28 , Ch 29 Verse 2.]
Islam : peace only peace.
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