Remember that our Prophet Muhammad Salallaahu 'aliyhi wa'sallaam had found the time to go out to the desert and race with his wife Aisha (RA) She out ran him but later after she had gained some weight, he out ran her :) Remember that the Prophet Salallaahu 'aliyhi wa'sallaam took his wife to watch the young Ethiopians playing and dancing their folk dances. The show of emotions is necessary to keep the marital bond away from rusting and disintegrating.
Remember that you will be rewarded by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala for any emotions you show to your wife as the Prophet Salallaahu 'aliyhi wa'sallaam said "one would be rewarded for anything that he does seeking the pleasure of Allah even the food that he puts in the mouth of his wife"
Always try your best to be good to your wife by words and by deeds. Talk to her, smile to her, seek her advice, Play with her, make fun with her, crack Jokes for her, write poems for her, ask for her opinion, spend quality time with her and always remember that the Prophet Salallaahu 'aliyhi wa'sallaam said "the best of you are those who are best to their wives"
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