You don't need a guy who...
1. Makes you feel like a piece of garbage
2. Lies, deceives and manipulates you
3. Can't be faithful
4. Doesn't think you are amazing
5. Can't stop thinking about former or future relationships
6. Is rude, disrespectful, and mean
7. Requires you dismiss or ignore your personal standards, ethics, and sense of morality
8. Embarrasses and humiliates you
9. Uses you
10. Abuses you!
You know a guy is not good for you if...
1. You are constantly making excuses for his bad behavior.
2. There are times you feel fear and/or anxiety when you are around him. You are worried how he will react to you or to something you have done.
3. You find yourself giving in to demands that are against your personal sense of decency or morality.
4. His words of love do not match his actions.
5. You keep justifying and denying those nagging feelings that something is not right.
6. He tells you what you want and need.
7. He tries to inhibit or damage your relationships with your friends and family.
8. You find yourself wanting to inappropriate please him to gain his approval or love.
9. You feel you have to live a secret life (that doesn't involve anything inappropriate) so he won't get angry.
10. He has emotionally or physically abused you.
To be clear, I am a firm believer that people can and do change with significant help and appropriate intervention; and with lots of work.
However, when a relationship is harming your spirit, damaging your self-esteem, wasting your time and energy it is time to move on.
I've said this before but you do not need a relationship that is destroying your spirit or harming your life.
There is no man on the planet worth this.
And, you don't have to have a man to have self-worth.
In fact, being with a not-so-great man is not helping your self esteem it is DESTROYING it.
Better to be without a man than be with a hurtful man who is not right for you.
Now, please read the following very carefully.
I am NOT blaming women for the bad behavior of men. I realize that many men initially appear great and can put on a fabulous and convincing show. I understand there are GREAT women who find not so wonderful men. If you have picked less than great guys it does not mean you are not a good woman.
Source : http://howtotellifaguyisajerk.blogspot.com
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