Hearing Qur'an and Islamic talks while doing something else
Posted: 2 Rabi ul-Thani 1432, 7 March 2011
Q.I want to know whether I can hear the Qur'an or hear talks from islamic scholars while working on some software code or while playing games? |
A.It is obviously disrespectful to hear the Qur'an being recited and not listen to it attentively. Hence, one should avoid playing a Qur'an audio while one is engaged in other activities.
Similarly one must also give due attention when listening to an Islamic lecture, though this does not have the same status as listening to the Holy Quran and as such one may listen to a talk whilst engaged in other activities. However, this is not preferable as it could lead to incorrect understandings and misquotations etc.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.
Bad Thoughts in Prayer
Posted: 20 Muharram 1432, 26 December 2010
Q. Whenever I go to the mosque and start my prayer, strange thoughts come to my mind. Whenever some holy verse is recited, I suddenly think of some foolish meanings. Please help me in this regard. |
A.You should try your level best to concentrate in your salah and should not entertain such thoughts. Remember that the thoughts coming on their own is not objectionable. Bringing the thoughts in one's mind or entertaining them further once they come is what is objectionable. The following are some useful points that could assist in acquiring concentration in salah.
1. Be always deeply thankful and grateful to Allah Ta'ala for having blessed you with the ability to perform salah in congregation punctually.
2. After making wudu with the correct adaab reading the specific duas and without wasting water etc. proceed to the masjid with wudu with the firm belief that your sins have been washed away by the wudu and in the steps you take when proceeding to the masjid. Wear good clean clothes that the pious wear. Apply attar (perfume). Aim to get the entire reward of your salah.
3. Avoid all types of worldly and unnecessary talks when proceeding to the masjid.
4. Gracefully come to the masjid at least a few minutes before the salah can commence.
5. After reciting the masnoon dua of entering the masjid and the two rak'ahs on entry etc, meditate about death, sincerely engage in istighfar and repentance and consider the possibility that this may be your last salah. Imagine that this is your last salah. Perhaps you will not have a chance to offer another salah. Reply to adhan and read the prescribed dua after the adhan. If there is any sunnats to be performed perform them. Between the adhan and iqamah make dua.
6. Contemplate and think of the ayat verses and adhkar that you are reciting or listening to during the prayer. Isn't is disheartening that someone may perform salah for decades, day after day, and still not know what they are saying?
At the time of changing postures, feel that your entire body is performing that posture for Allah Ta'ala. Try and maintain the thought that Allah Ta'ala is watching.
7. Make dua regularly that Allah Ta'ala grant us all the true spirit and acceptance of salah.
8. Avoid all doubtful things, people and places especially the media (TV, magazines, newspapers, questionable sites on the Internet etc.)
9. For a few minutes in the day read up the stories of the pious as well as the books of Fadail (Virtue).
May Allah Ta'ala grant us all the true spirit and acceptance of salah, and ultimately His pleasure.
Touching the Feet of Elders as Mark of Respect
Posted: 11 Safar 1424, 13 April 2003CHECKED AND APPROVED: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q.) It is widely practiced in my home country to pay regards to the superiors (parents, teachers, peers etc.) by touching their legs and return that touch to one's head or chest (popularly known as 'Qadam-Bosi'). Is it allowed in Sharia? Please answer. [Mohammad Motalib]
A.) Qadam-Bosi or bowing down to seniors and touching their feet is a custom of the Indian Hindus. Such an action, irrespective of the intention of the person, is totally prohibited.
Bowing in reverence of any person is strictly prohibited in the Ahaadith of Rasulullah . Even the Sahaba, Radi-Allahu anhum, who were downright enthusiasts of Rasulullah didn't bow before Rasulullah in spite of the ardent desire to do so.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Posted: 28 Muharram 1431, 14 January 2010
Q.My question is regarding taqdeer (fate): if Allah has written the taqdeer for every individual, then why does He punish accordingly, since it is He that has prescribed this . For example the u ncle of the Prophet
A. The subject of taqdeer is one that is very delicate and intricate. Delving too deep into this subject is discouraged and has caused many to go astray. However, in order to clarify your concern one should understand that Taqdeer does not refer to the command of Allah. Allah has not forced nor commanded any person to commit wrong. Rather it refers to the knowledge of Allah. Allah has blessed every person with the ability to choose between right and wrong. One does right or wrong of his/her own prerogative. Hence, if a person does evil or commits a sin, he does not do so because he was forced into it. Rather, he does so out of his own choice. Yes, Allah out of His infinite knowledge knew that this person would choose the wrong path.
Perhaps a simple example would assist in understanding this concept further. If a newspaper announces that the head of State is to travel to South Africa, and thereafter he does indeed travel, he does so out of his own choice and not because the newspaper had knowledge thereof or had announced his plans.
Nevertheless, my sincere advice is that you do not delve too deep into this subject and accept the concept as mentioned above. Remember, every person has a choice. No person is forced to do good or evil.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Rules of Iddat
Posted: 4 Jamad-u-Thani 1430, 29 May 2009
Q.Here are some questions regarding a woman in her iddat (the mourning waiting period for a widowed woman). Can she
A. 1) What is meant by colored clothes is those clothes which are worn to beautify oneself. Such clothes should not be worn. However, if the clothes are not new and are not generally used for beautification then they could be worn even though they may be colored. (Hindiya 1/533)
2) If a lady has a headache and applies oil that does not have a fragrance with the intention of medication and not with the intention of beautification then this is acceptable.
3) If the ear rings are worn occasionally with the intention that the ears that have been pierced do not close up and they are not exposed then this is acceptable.
4) It is permissible for a lady in Iddat to go into her garden, veranda and to hang the clothes. (Fataawaa Mahmoodiya 13/402)
5) It is not objectionable for other women to visit the lady during her Iddat, provided the laws of Shariah regarding hijab and the like are not flouted. This practice helps the bereaved lady to overcome her grief.
6) It is permissible to speak on the phone, read the newspaper (permissible content) and use the internet for permissible purposes.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Astrology and Horoscopes
Posted: 1 Muharram 1430, 29 December 2008
Q.If a person shows his/her hand to a palmist, his/her 40 days' prayers are not accepted. Does this also apply to the case of someone only casually reading a horoscope? Also, back in school, I thought only believing in palmistry was forbidden in Islam. And I didn't know that your 40 days' prayers are not accepted if you show your palm to someone. So, out of ignorance, I showed my palm to a girl who claimed to know palmistry. I did it just for fun (and not because I believed in it). When I got to know about the punishment, later on, I offered nafil-i-tauba and sought Allah's forgiveness for the same. Will I be forgiven (since it was something I did out of ignorance)? Jazak-Allah Khairan [Sara] |
A. Palmistry, fortune-telling etc are acts which are absolutely abhored and forbidden in Islam.
The degree to which these acts are forbidden could be grasped from the fact that the one who does the fortune telling has been classified as a kafir.
Similarly, the one who believes in what the fortune teller says has also been mentioned to be a kafir.
Thus we can see the severity of these acts and we can understand that showing the hand to the palmist is completely forbidden, regardless of whether one believed her or not.
Now, if one showed the hand or read the horoscope INTENDING to accept what was to be told, then the salah of that person for the next forty days would go unrewarded ie. the salah would not have to be repeated, but no reward would be accrued for it.
And if one did believe the fortune-teller or palmist, then the hadith clearly mentions this person to be out of the fold of Islam.
As for your showing your palm to that girl, it was wrong to do so, but as you did repent we hope that Allah Ta'ala would forgive you for it.
(References: Fatawa Mufti Mahmud 1/195, Ahsanul Fatawa 1/52, Khairul Fatawa 1/75, Nizamul Fatawa 1/81, Mirqaatul Mafateeh, Sharh Muslim of Nawawi)
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
IT Jobs in Bank
Posted: 20 Rabi-u-Thani 1424, 29 May 2005
Q.) I want to clarify whether doing a job in the Information Technology department at a conventional bank is right or not. Being an IT professional, our duties and responsibilities are only fixing, installing, configuring, and maintaining IT tools like computers, software, ATM machines, and day to day operational engineering activities. As far as financial matters are concerned we have an expense budget to purchase expensive equipments but we do not know the source of these funds; whether they are riba based or profit based. In fact we don't know the source of our salaries either. My senior in bank has told me that he has verbal permission from Darul Uloom Karachi that an IT department job in a bank is permissible. Please clarify if this is permissible or not according to above stated job responsibilities. [Sohail Hashmi]
A.) There are two issues related to your query; a) Assisting in sin, b) Salary.
If the major source of the bank's income is from haram, for example, interest, etc. then it is not permissible to work there in normal circumstances.
The second issue is assisting in sin. Obviously, the conventional banks are based on interest and other haram forms of dealings. The IT department plays an integral part of that system. Although you will not be directly involved in the haram transactions, you will be an intergral part of the bank and therefore your income will be makrooh (contaminated).
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
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