“I can’t stop thinking about him.”
“I want to move on but he is in my mind night and day.”
“Maybe he is the one and I should wait until he changes his mind.”
“I hate him.”
“I love him.”
Who of us doesn’t relate to this line of thinking? Why is it so excruciating to move on after a relationship ends? Often there is no immediately apparent rationale for the ending of a relationship but even if there was, the need to detach from a former love and to move on with your life is inescapable.
Here are the Five Powerful Keys you need to get yourself back into the driver’s seat. Good Luck! I know you can do this!!
Key #1 Face The Facts
Ok, this is no fun, but facing the fact that you are hooked on this guy is the first and most essential step. Yes, you feel foolish. No, you don’t want to give up on him. But how are you feeling? Empowered? Strong? Probably not. Look in the mirror and tell yourself, “I do love him. He doesn’t want to be with me right now. This really hurts and I hate it! I want to learn to let him go. I want to think about what I want to think about and not about him. I’m worth it.” If you tell yourself these facts (you can use mine if you can’t think of your own) every day for a week, you will empower yourself for the next steps.
Key #2 Embrace Your Self
That was then and this is now. Face it, you aren’t the only girl to have experienced this heart ache. Be gentle with yourself. You are doing the best you can. As you look back to the beginnings of this relationship, let yourself remember how good it felt. Embracing the you that fell for him rather than criticizing yourself for what you perceive as an error in judgment will build your sense of self esteem and equip you for the next step.
Key #3 The Him or Better Box
Now is when this gets fun. Each thought that you think about him has emotional energy attached to it. Some is positive, some is negative. The energy used to think these thoughts uses creative energy you could be investing in other parts of your life….your art, your career, your friendships, etc.
There is a way to reclaim and reassign this energy and your imagination is the gateway. We are going to create an imaginary “Him or Better Box”. It is best to name the box specifically, so use the name of your Ex instead of Him. Close your eyes and imagine a box about the size of a recipe file. It may show up in color, if not, make it any color you please. Allow your imagination to decorate it with any ribbons, jewels or symbols that might appear. If yours is a plain white box…that is ok, too. There is no right or wrong. Your goal is to ‘capture’ the thoughts about him and to place them in the box.
The reason we call it a “Him or Better Box” is so that if he does come back, you are banking all of this energy toward reconnecting with him then. Afterall, he is not in your life right now anyway so why waste time and energy thinking about him now. The ‘or Better’ just says to the Universe and to you that you are not going to waste your life for one person.
Key #4 Capturing Those Pesky Thoughts.
Learning to capture and control your thoughts serves a dual purpose. One, you have highly tangible evidence that you can direct your own thinking. Two, you immediately reclaim the energy for your own life and are free to assign it to where you want it to go. It may seem daunting to control your thoughts about him…believe me I have been there! That is why it is good to start slow and practice. The moment you are aware that you are thinking about him, stop, acknowledge the thought for a moment, then in your minds eye, place a bubble around it and put it into your box.
At first, you may only get three thoughts a day into the box but hang in there. This stuff really works. Remember…it is a Him or Better Box…it begins to feel really good to bank these thoughts for what’s ahead and you are prepared whether he comes back or not! If this is difficult for you to imagine, get a real box and some small pieces of paper. Name your box and then write out the thought you are having and place it in the box. Either way, this technique is guaranteed.
The first week you will be amazed at how many thoughts go into the box. By the third week, you will notice a difference in the frequency of the thoughts and also by the change in your mood and perspective. You will be feeling much better at this point and ready for the final step.
Key#5 Writing the New Script
Now you are feeling stronger and more in control. You are more balanced emotionally and have some degree of objectivity. Now, get a piece of paper and write out five to ten things about your previous relationship that were not working for you on the left side of the paper, the more ideas you can come up with, the better. For example:
He befooled me, he wastn as loving and caring as he used to pose.
He kept taking out mistakes in me. He doesn’t respect me.
He dint accept me the way I am.
He told everybody that I am the worse girl of this world.
On the right side of the paper, create a list of the attributes of your ideal partner based on what it was about the ghost lover that disappointed you. For Example:
He befooled me, he wastn as loving and caring as he used to pose becomes He is so loving and caring.
He kept taking out mistakes in me and doesn’t respect me becomes He avoids my mistakes for the sake of our love. He respects me a lot.
He dint accept me the way I am becomes He Loves me the way I am.
He told everybody that I am the worse girl of this world becomes He tells the whole world that his love is the best girl of this world.
You get the idea. Now, go back over the list and cross out each of the items on the left with gusto. By time you follow through with the fifth key, you are well on your way to leaving your former love behind. Yes, you will still think of him occasionally and yes it will still hurt. However, reviewing these lists will confirm to you the benefit of moving on. As your thoughts about him get less and less frequent you will not only feel better, you will be amazed at how much energy you have to invest in the rest of your life. You will get more done and experience more joy than you have in months. No one knows what is best for you than you do. Learning to hear from and trust your own intuition will light the way for your future.
Last but not the least, Everything is destiny, you get someone and things don’t work, its all written over there by the Almighty, So there is nothing we can do about it, If you honestly tried hard to make any relationship work and still it dint work, its not the mistake of anyone. Whatever Almighty does, HE does for our best. Lots of beautiful things are coming in future. Always be positive.
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