Friday, December 21, 2012

It’s a Man’s World

I get out of my home every day with a fear
I hope I don't get touched, and no one gets near
Is my dress too short, or shirt too tight?
'Coz I have to travel back home in the night.

The man back in the bus gave me a stare,
I wish I could turn back and give him a glare
I thought to myself, don't create a mess
If you ignore it, the pain will be less.

I walked to my workplace, as fast as I could
A loafer commented which didn't sound so good
I wanted to beat him till he was nearly dead
But I thought of myself, and passed silently instead.

My workplace I regarded a safe place to be
Where I could be confident, feel safe and free
But, I wish I hadn't, when one day I ran late,
I couldn't believe what was in my fate.

Who said we are equal to our counterpart, men?
If you say so, I beg you to think again
I state aloud that it's a man's world
With a flag of masculinity proudly unfurled.

When will I walk with my head held high
Without the thorn of fear itching my eye
Without being stared at or getting teased
Will the pain of a woman ever be eased?

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