Sunday, October 23, 2011

Role of Darul Uloom, Deoband in India’s Freedom Struggle ( A must read article to know the history of Darul uloom Deoband)

 When the English imprisoned Abu Zafar Sirajuddin Muhammad Bahadur Shah Zafar (1775-1862), the last Indian Moghul Emperor, in the Jail of Rangoon in 1857, instead of Indian Flag, Union Jack started hoisting at Dehli's Red Fort and Queen Victoria became the fulflash ruler of India, at that time, many country patriots came into field united to fight against the British rule. Maulana Muhammad Qasmi Nanautavi (1832-1879) was one of them too. In 1857, one Fatwa for Jihad against the English was issued. The Fatwa carried the signature of 34prominent Ulama. One among them was Maulana Nanautavi himself. As other elders had participated in the Jihad of Shamli in 1857, Maulana Nanautavi also had participated personally and had been wounded too. Breifly in the battle of Shamli, Nanautavi and his colleagues got defeated.

                He was a far sighted scholar. He comprehended that the British has not only occupied India and would attack the Indian culture, but even the faith of Indians would be at risk. Therefore, while on the one hand, he started fighting against the English, he began debating with clergyman on the other. But to that time, the freedom wasn't for India, so he didn't succeed in the mission. In this situation, intending to free India from the British rule, in the company of some friends, Maulana Nanautavi adopted another policy to establish a Madrasa on 21st May, 1866 (a famous learning centre of Indian Subcontinent, Darul Uloom, Deoband) beneath a pomegranate tree in Chattah Masjid of Deoband. So that the trained products of the Madrasa would sacrifice themselves to preserve the country and Islam both in British India. Alhamdulillah, Nanautavi succeeded in his mission and a good number of Darul Uloom's product gave sacrifices for the sake of Indian freedom and Islam.

 The noted Islamic scholar Maulana Manazir Ahsan Gilani (1892-19...) quoted in his book, "Ihaatae Darul Uloom Men Beete Huwe Din" (The Days Passedin the Campus of Darul Uloom) from his teacher and the first graduate of the seminary, Shaikhul Hind Mahmood Hasan Deobandi (1851-1920) saying:

"Did my teacher (Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi) establish this seminary only for the teaching and learning? The seminary was established before me, as far as my knowledge goes, my teacher established this one in 1866 to compensate the defeat of 1857 from the British. I have chosen the same mission for which it was established before me."

 Very few people know the fact: "In the meeting of Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind at Kolkata in 1926, the participants included graduates of Darul Uloom, Deoband and they supported the group which called for complete independence of India from the British rule. Indian National Congress was to declare complete independence as its goal three years later, in its session at Lahore." (Wikipedia, Darul Uloom Deoband)

 The famous freedom fighter, Frontier Gandhi, Khan Abdu Ghaffar Khan (1890-1988), who visited Darul Uloom, during his visit to India in 1969, had said, "I have had relation with Darul Uloom since the time, Shaikhul Hind Maulana Mahmood Hasan, was alive. Sitting here, we used to make plans for the independence movement, as to how we might drive away the English from this country and how we could make India free the yoke of slavery of the British Raj. This institution has made great efforts for the freedom of this country." (Wikipedia, Darul Uloom Deoband)

 Due to the great interest in India's freedom struggle, Shaikhul Hind became an icon of Indian independence movement. Though he was a teacher of Darul Uloom, but made much effort to start an armed revolution against British rule from the both inside and outside India. He started a programme to train volunteers and his students in the seminary from India and abroad for that goal. The most eminent among those who joined the movement were his students: Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi (1872-1944), Maulana Husain Ahmad Madani (1879-1957), Maulana Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari etc.

 Shaikhul Hind sent Maulana Sindhi to Kabul and Ansari to the North-West Frontier Province to mobilize the popular support and recruit volunteers. And he with Maulana Husain Ahmad Madani travelled to Hijaz (KSA) to secure Turkish support. Getting the Turkish governor, Ghalib Pasha's signature on a declaration of Jihad against the British, he planned to return to India via Baghdad and Bluchistan to start the rebellion.

 When Shaikhul Hind planned to return, the Silken Kerchief Movement was captured by Punjab CID. Due to this movement, Shaikhul Hind was arrested in Hijaz. He was imprisoned in Malta, where he was tortured mercilessly, for more than three years.

Here it seems necessary to mention that what was the Silken Kerchief Movement. Shaikhul Hind wanted an armed revolution against the British rule, as I mentioned. So, he needed arms and ammunition. He and his colleagues, therefore, travelled to different countries to seek support from the anti-British countries; such as Afghanistan, Turkey and Russia. During the visiting different countries, letter exchanged between Shaikhul Hind and his colleagues, containing the outlines of the plan to recruit the volunteers for army and to establish a national government were written on silk piece of cloth. That is why the movement was known as the Silken Kerchief Movement/Tahreeke Reshmi Rumal (in Urdu)/Silk Letter Conspiracy (according to British government)

 When he returned to India, after release, was conferred upon by the title of Shaikhul Hind, leading leader of India. Now he issued a Fatwa making it a duty of all Indian Muslims to support and participate with Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) and the Indian National Congress, who had prescribed a policy of non-cooperation and mass civil disobedience through non-violence. He died on November 30, 1920 wishing to get martyrdom for India's freedom.

 Though Shaikhul Hind was no more, but he left a good number of students, who followed the footprint of their elders and worked tirelessly for the freedom of India. Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi (1872-1944), a 1891's graduate of Darul Uloom, was also among them. He was the most active and prominent member of India's freedom movement. He was among those leaders of Darul Uloom who left India, following the commandment of Shaikhul Hind, during World War 1, to get support of the anti-British central powers for an armed revolution against British rule.

Maulana Sindhi reached Kabul to rally the Afghan Amir Habibullah Khan. After a period of time, he offered his support to Raja Mahendra Praratab's plans for revolution in India with German support. He joined the Provisional Government of India formed in Kabul on 1st December, 1915. In this government, he was nominated the Minister for India. It was declared a revolutionary government in exile, which was supposed to take the charge of independent India, if the British government has been overthrown according to the plan. But unfortunately, in 1919, the provisional government was dissolved under the diplomatic pressure to Afghanistan. He stayed in Afghanistan for 7-year nearly. Then visiting Soviet Russia,he reached Turkey, where he issued the charter for the independence of India from Istanbul. He left Turkey for Hijaz and remained there until 1929. He journeyed from a country to country for the sake of India's independence. He died on 22nd August, 1944, at Deenpur in Pakistan.

Shikhul Islam Maulana Husain Ahmad Madani (1879-1957) was also one of the Shaikhul-Hind's students and graduate and latter Professor of Hadith at Darul Uloom, Deoband. Though he had been not convicted, but he accompanied Shaikhul Hind to Malta voluntarily, to take care of him. He stayed in Malta three years upto the release of Shaikhul Hind. Returning to India, he actively became involved in the freedom struggle. He had been imprisoned several times by the British authority for his participation in the freedom movement. It was he who dared to issue a Fatwa in the meeting of Indian National Congress at Karachi that working as British army and police is Haraam. After this Fatwa, he was rewarded two years rigorous imprisonment. He never stepped down from the freedom struggle movement, until India got freedom.

 At the time of independence, the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress were at logger heads on partition of united India. On that occasion, Madani opposed the partition thoroughly. He journeyed the different provinces of India along with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (1888-1958) and Mahatama Gandhi to assure the people safety and security and tried his level best to stop them to migrate from India to Pakistan. Many people targeted him, but he never conformed to the opinion of the partition. After the independence, he was served a ministry, but he refused and restricted himself under the four walls of Darul Uloom and Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind for teaching and social works. Like Madani and Sindhi, there were hundreds of Darul Uloom's graduates, who actively took part in the freedom struggle of India. To mention the works of those patriots, the volumes and volumes are required.

 It's sorrowful matter that historians of modern India ignored completely the role played and efforts made by Darul Uloom for India's freedom struggle. Today, most of the people aren't aware of this historical institution. Some people know that Darul Uloom is a conservative seminary that produces merely Maulanas or a factory that only issues Fatwaas. And some say that Darul Uloom is "a Station of Terrorism" and "it produces terrorists". This one is a famous opinion among Hindu fundamentalists, while the fact is otherwise as I stated in the essay. It's a bird's eye view of the role of Darul Uloom, Deoband in India's freedom struggle. One who is interested on the topic, should go through the book, "Taarikhe Darul Uloom" (History of Darul Uloom). May Allah accept the works of the seminary!


 (The author is a graduate of Darul Uloom, Deoband and teacher of Moon Rays Trust School, Zambia, S. Africa. He can be reached at

Friday, October 21, 2011

10 Common Acne Myths and Facts

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 Acne myths busted, facts uncovered, and treatment advised!

We hear them everyday; theyre the myths and facts and rumors floating around 
about acne and what causes it, what treats it and what to do about it. 
Being a teenager is difficult enough without worrying about acne breaking out all over your face.
Never mind the fact that when you turn 30 youre already worried about a decreased metabolism, 
wrinkles and graying hair the last thing you want to have to think about it is acne.
Did you have any idea that 85% of teenagers and adults suffer from the symptoms of acne?
Additionally, there are several different types of acne. 
There are whiteheads and blackheads as well as red bumps.
Blackheads and whiteheads are commonly found around the whole body especially the chest, 
neck and face whereas red bump acne are the acne with pus inside them that are 
usually always found on the face.
Whether you are a teenager or an adult, the annoyance and self-consciousness that 
acne brings on are enough to deal with much less deciphering between all the myths 
and rumors surrounding the topic.
We have determined the top 10 acne myths and facts as well as the top 5 acne treatments. 
You do not have to be confused by acne any longer!

Top 10 Acne Myths

1. Acne is not caused by dirt. Acne is caused by hormones; mainly androgen 
and their effect on the oil glands in the skin. More specifically acne is caused by 
a disorder in the pilosebaceous units. The pilosebaceous units are found all over 
your entire body with the exception of the feet, lips and hands.
The majority of the pilosebaceous units are found on the chest, neck and face. 
In regards to whiteheads and blackheads the best treatment for these is 
consistent cleansing every night. 
Whiteheads and blackheads are not caused by dirt either so the consistent cleansing 
is to keep the dead skin cells sloughed off the blackheads and whiteheads.
2. Acne is for everyone; not just teenagers. Since acne is caused by hormones 
and their effect on oil glands in the skin it can affect adults as well as teenagers
 because adults have hormones too.

3. Treat the whole face not just the spot where the acne is. 
The acne that is showing is just a symptom of the underlying problem 
which is within the skin and the oil glands.
 4. French fries, chocolate and other certain foods do not cause acne.
 Acne is caused by hormones; mainly androgen and their effect on the 
oil glands in the skin therefore food could not have anything to do with 
causing acne or acne breakouts.
5. Make-up is not the cause of acne; however avoid heavy make-up 
when sweating or working out. While make-up does not directly cause 
acne it is a very good idea to avoid heavy make-up period when you are 
sweating or working out.
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6. Tanning and sun exposure does not cure your acne. 
The myth that oily skin causes acne therefore drying out your skin 
will make the acne go away is not accurate. 
Tanning oftentimes does make people feel better about themselves 
and their skin that may be one of the reasons people feel acne is treated 
through tanning and sun exposure.
7. Scrubbing and exfoliating your skin will not make the acne go away. 
Acne is not caused by dirt; therefore scrubbing your face raw to get rid of dirt 
will only irritate your already sensitive skin.
8. One of the acne myths is that stress can cause acne in a roundabout way.
9. While acne is not curable it is treatable.
10. There is no proof that toothpaste applied to acne will treat the acne and make it go away.

Now that you are no longer confused about the causes and myths surrounding acne, 
whiteheads and blackheads, lets clear up some of the preconceived notions about 
acne treatments.
We are going to tell you the top 5 acne treatments; so you no longer have to worry about 
trying out remedies you heard about on the Internet or through your roommates cousins mother. 
These are tried and true treatments for acne for both, teens and adults!
Top 5 Acne Treatments:
 1.Benzoyl Peroxide is commonly used in treating mild cases of acne. 
Benzoyl Peroxide can be used by both teens and adults and can be found in 
small dosages in many over the counter acne products such as Acanya gel and Epiduo Gel. 
Benzoyl Peroxide is more of a reactive treatment and not a proactive treatment.
 Benzoyl Peroxide treats acne that has appeared however does not work 
proactively to fight future breakouts.

 2.Differin which comes in the form of a gel or a cream.

 3.Accutane is a prescription acne medication that is used for very extreme cases of acne.

 4.Tazarotene cream.

 5.Retin A and Retin A micro.
( Please take advise of skin specialist before using them )

However, the best routine to get into for healthy skin and overall complexion is to eat right; 
plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Using a water dispenser could help you 
keep on your healthy skin track.
By getting plenty of exercise, you will also work out any toxins from your body 
as well as cleanse your pores.

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Someday when I get children and they are old enough to
understand the logic that motivates a parent,
I will tell them, as my Mean Mom told me:

'I loved you enough to ask where you were going,
with whom, and what time you would be home.

I loved you enough to be silent and let you
discover that your new best friend was a creep.

I loved you enough to stand over you for
two hours while you cleaned your room,
a job that should have taken 15 minutes.

I loved you enough to let you see anger,
disappointment, and tears in my eyes.

Children must learn that their parents aren't perfect..

I loved you enough to let you assume the
responsibility for your actions even when the
penalties were so harsh they almost broke my heart.

But most of all, I loved you enough to say
NO when I knew you would hate me for it.

Those were the most difficult battles of all.
I'm glad I won them, because in the end you won, too.
And someday when your children are old enough to
understand the logic that motivates parents, you will tell them.

Was your Mom mean?

I know mine was.
We had the meanest mother in the whole world!
While other kids ate candy for breakfast,
we had to have cereal, eggs, and toast.

When others had a Coca Cola and chips for lunch,
we had to eat home cooked meals.

And you can guess our mother fixed us a dinner that was
different from what other kids had, too.

Mother insisted on knowing where we were at all times.
You'd think we were convicts in a prison.

She had to know who our friends were
and what we were doing with them.
She insisted that if we said we
would be gone for an hour, we would be gone for an hour or less.

We were ashamed to admit it,
but she had the nerve to break
the Child Labor Laws by making us work.

We had to wash the dishes, make the beds,
learn to cook, vacuum the floor, do laundry,
empty the trash and all sorts of cruel
I think she would lie awake at night
thinking of more things for us to do.

She always insisted on us telling the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
By the time we were teenagers,
she could read our minds
and had eyes in the back of her head.
Then, life was really tough!

Mother wouldn't let our friends just hoot at the gate
when they drove up
They had to come up to the door
so she could meet them.

Because of our mother we missed out
on lots of things other kids experienced.

None of us have ever
been caught shoplifting, vandalizing other people's
property or ever arrested for any crime.
It was all her fault.

Now that we have left home, we are all educated, honest adults.
We are doing our best to be mean parents just like Mom was.

I think that is what's wrong with the world today.
It just doesn't have enough mean moms!'

(And Their Kids)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How does Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) differ from Islam :


According to the tenet of their faith, the Qadianis (Ahmadis) are required to study, accept, and follow the works, "revelations" (wahi), and writings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani. In his books, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani makes the claim that he is in direct communication with God and ordains it upon his followers to believe in "Islam" according to his revelations. We have summarized here some of the differences between Qadianis (Ahmadis) and Muslims. It should be obvious that most of the beliefs instructed by Mirza Ghulam Qadiani contradict verses of the Holy Quran -- not to mention hundreds of authentic Hadith and Islamic doctrine.


It is unfortunate that many of the people who have been tricked into accepting Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) are unaware of this aspect of the Qadiani (Ahmadi) doctrine. Since the rituals of Qadianism resembles that of Islam and much of their terminology is stolen from Islam, many Qadianis are under the impression that they are following an Islamic school of thought. They continue to blindly send their donations to the Qadiani (Ahmadi) leadership thinking they are supporting Islam, when in reality they are helping a non Islamic cult. For the most part, the followers of Qadianism neither have a good grasp of Islam nor have access to the complete writings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani -- which are mostly written in Urdu -- and are not aware of his various claims.


The following are some of the difference between Islam and Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat ):


1. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) is based on the belief that Mirza was an improved second reincarnation of hazrat Muhammad(SAW).


2. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) rejects the concept of absolute Finality of Prophethood in hazrat Muhammad(SAW), as confirmed in Quran, Hadith, Sunnah of the Holy Prophet(SAW), Tradition of Companions, the writings of Muslim Scholars and personalities, and concensus of the entire Ummah for almost 1500 years.


3. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) maintains that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was a Prophet (nabi and rasul) of God.


4. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) rejects the concept of completion of the revelations of Allah(SWT) in the Holy Quran.


5. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) holds that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's revelations (Books) were on the same level as all prior revelations (Quran, Bible, Torah). In their view, simply following Quran and Sunnah, as Muslims have done since the beginning of Islam, is not a basis for living a righteous life and gaining the pleasure of the Creator. Interestingly, the Qadiani leadership has refused to allow a translation of these books, so that everyone may become familiar with the irrational teachings and contradictory claims of the founder of their organization.


6. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) rejects authentic Hadith based on Mirza's alleged revelations and teaches his personal interpretation of the Holy Quran. Qadiani (Ahmadiyya) leadership has forged several unauthentic translations of the Holy Quran to try to confuse and mislead uninformed individuals.


7. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that Jesus(pbuh) had been crucified, but did not die from his injuries. Instead, it advocates the view that Jesus(pbuh) recovered from his injuries, escaped to Kashmir (India), where he lived for another 86 years, and is buried there.


8. Whereas Jesus(pbuh) is acknowledged as a great prophet of Allah in Islam, Mirza Ghulam took the liberty of making demeaning and vulgar remarks against him and his honored mother, rejected his miracles, belittled his mission and denied his return before the Day of Judgment. It is such unbecoming teachings that have resulted in hateful retributions by extremist Christians evangelical groups against Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(SAW), and Islam.


9. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) maintains that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was "the promised Messiah". The Qadianis (Ahmadis) reject the advent of Jesus Christ(pbuh), son of Mary, as the Messiah, just before the Day of Judgment.


10. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was also the promised Mahdi (guided one).


11. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was also the expected Hindu lord, Krishna.


12. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) intollerantly declares the entire manking, except for those who naively accept the irrational notions and contradictory claims of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, to be unbelievers and bound for hell. Qadiani leadership has announced all Muslims to be unbelievers and has forbidden its followers from wedding their daughters to Muslims, praying behind Muslims, and offering prayer on their deceased - be it a child or an adult.


13. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that struggle for freedom, independence and self-determination against the tyranny, extremism and oppression (Jihad) of those military powers that support Qadianism has been made Haraam.


14. At its birth, being a protoge of the oppressive British Empire of the time, Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) required complete devotion and obedience to the British Government, as an article of faith. While freedom loving people around the globe were rising up against the British subjugation, Qadianis were being required to be willing to sacrifice their wealth, talent, and soul in the cause of the Crown. Britain is presently the headquarter of the Qadiani Movement.


15. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) holds two cities in India (Qadian) and Pakistan (Rabwah) as holy as Mekkah and Madinah. Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) are supposed to perform Hajj by attending their annual congregation, instead of visiting Mekkah.


16. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) maintains that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was superior to all the Prophets(pbut) of Allah(SWT).


17. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) refers to the companions of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani as Sahaba and his wives as Mother of the Believers (Ummahatul Muminin).


18. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) advances the notion that many verses of the Holy Quran were revealed to Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and that many of the praises of Prophet Muhammad(SAW), mentioned in Quran, were really intended for Mirza Ghulam Qadiani.


19. Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) claims Mirza's Mosque at Qadian (India) to be Masjid-ul-Aqsa.


References to the Qadiani books requiring these beliefs are provided on various articles at this site. If you have been tricked into accepting Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) without being told of these and other truths, please be assured that our quotes are based on authentic writings of the founders of that organization. What you have fallen in love with is Islam and not Qadianism. The door of salvation remains open to all, but you will need to take the first step, you must be seeking the truth to receive guidance.


Has not the Time arrived for the Believers that their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah and of the Truth which has been revealed (to them), and that they should not become like those to whom was given Revelation aforetime, but long ages passed over them and their hearts grew hard? For many among them are rebellious transgressors. (The Holy Quran, Al-Hadid, 57:16)


Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz must read once and keep your IMAN safe from this FITNA... JAZAKALLAH...

Monday, October 17, 2011

How Doctors in the Noble land, that is India, loot


How Doctors in the Noble land, that is India, loot
Most of these observations are either completely or partially true. Corruption has many names, and one of civil society isn't innocent either. Professionals and businessmen of various sorts indulge in unscrupulous practices. I recently had a chat with some doctors, surgeons and owners of nursing homes about the tricks of their trade. Here is what they said

40-60% kickbacks for lab tests. When a doctor (whether family doctor / general physician, consultant or surgeon) prescribes tests - pathology, radiology, X-rays, MRIs etc. - the laboratory conducting those tests gives commissions. In South and Central Mumbai -- 40%. In the suburbs north of Bandra -- a whopping 60 per cent! He probably earns a lot more in this way than
the consulting fees that you pay.

30-40% for referring to consultants, specialists & surgeons. When your friendly GP refers you to a specialist or surgeon, he gets 30-40%. 

30-40% of total hospital charges. If the GP or consultant recommends hospitalization, he will receive kickback from the private nursing home as a percentage of all charges including ICU, bed, nursing care, surgery. 

Sink tests. Some tests prescribed by doctors are not needed. They are there to inflate bills and commissions. The pathology lab understands what is unnecessary. These are called "sink tests"; blood, urine, stool samples collected will be thrown.

Admitting the patient to "keep him under observation". People go to cardiologists feeling unwell and anxious. Most of them aren't really having a heart attack, and cardiologists and family doctors are well aware of this. They admit such safe patients, put them on a saline drip with mild sedation, and send them home after 3-4 days after charging them a fat amount for ICU, bed charges, visiting doctors fees.

ICU minus intensive care. Nursing homes all over the suburbs are run by doctor couples or as one-man-shows. In such places, nurses and ward boys are 10th cl-ass drop-outs in ill-fitting uniforms and bare feet. These "nurses" sit at the reception counter, give injections and saline drips, perform ECGs, apply dressings and change bandages, and assist in the operation theatre. At night, they even sit outside the Intensive Care Units; there is no resident doctor. In case of a crisis, the doctor -- who usually lives in the same building -- will turn up after 20 minutes, after this nurse calls him. Such ICUs admit safe patients to fill up beds. Genuine patients who require emergency care are sent elsewhere to hospitals having a Resident Medical Officer (RMO) round-the-clock.

Unnecessary caesarean surgeries and hysterectomies. Many surgical procedures are done to keep the cash register ringing. Caesarean deliveries and hysterectomy (removal of uterus) are high on the list. While the woman with labour -pains is screaming and panicking, the obstetrician who gently suggests that caesarean is best seems like an angel sent by God! Menopausal women experience bodily changes that make them nervous and gullible. They can be frightened by words like " and "fibroids" that are in almost every normal woman's radiology reports. When a gynaecologist gently suggests womb removal "as a precaution", most women and their husbands agree without a second's r

Cosmetic surgery advertized through newspapers. Liposuction and plastic surgery are not minor procedures. Some are life-threateningly major. But advertisements make them appear as easy as facials and waxing. The Indian medical council
has strict rules against such misrepresentation. But nobody is interested in taking action.

Indirect kickbacks from doctors to prestigious hospitals. To be on the panel of a prestigious hospital, there is give-and-take involved. The hospital expects the doctor to refer many patients for hospital admission. If he fails to send a certain number of patients, he is quietly dumped. And so he likes to admit patients even when there is no need.

"Emergency surgery" on dead body. If a surgeon hurriedly wheels your patient from the Intensive Care Unit to the operation theatre, refuses to let you go inside and see him, and wants your signature on the consent form for "an emergency
operation to save his life", it is likely that your patient is already dead. The "emergency operation" is for inflating the bill; if you agree for it, the surgeon will come out 15 minutes later and report that your patient died on the operation table. And then, when you take  delivery of the dead body, you will pay OT charges, anaesthesiologist's charges, blah-blah-

Doctors are humans too. You can't trust them blindly. Please understand the difference. 

Young surgeons and old ones. The young ones who are setting up nursing home etc. have heavy loans to settle. To pay back the loan, they have to perform as many operations as possible. Also, to build a reputation, they have to perform a large number of operations and develop their skills. So, at first, every case seems fit for cutting. But with age, experience and prosperity, many surgeons lose their taste for cutting, and stop recommending operations. 

Physicians and surgeons. To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Surgeons like to solve medical problems by cutting, just as physicians first seek solutions with drugs. So, if you take your medical problem to a surgeon first, the chances are that you will unnecessarily end up on the operation table. Instead, please go to an ordinary GP first

Prof. B. M. Hegde, Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes,
Chairman, State Health Society's Expert Committee, Govt. of Bihar, Patna.
Former Prof. Cardiology, The Middlesex Hospital Medical School, University of London,
Affiliate Prof. of Human Health, Northern Colorado University,
Retd. Vice Chancellor, Manipal University,

Padma Bhushan Awardee 2010,

has written two books on practices among medical practitioners. Every one should read them.




Aish - The Fairy Princess

Visit my Blog - 

Friday, October 14, 2011





1 cup Gram flour
1/4 cup Chopped onion
1/4 cup Chopped potato
1 tsp Ajwain.
1 tsp Red chili powder.
1 tsp Chopped ginger.
1/2 tsp Baking powder.
Oil for deep frying
Salt As per taste
1 cup Kadhi Curd (yogurt)
1/4 cup Gram flour
2 no. Dry red chili whole
1 tsp Turmeric powder.
A pinch Asafetida
1 tsp Fenugreek seeds.
2 tbsp Oil.
Salt As per taste


Mix all pakora ingredients except oil and add about cup of water. Mix well.
Heat oil in a Kadhai and deep fry vegetable and gram flour mixture after making into small balls. Fry till pakoras are golden brown.
Beat Curd/Yogurt and mix gram flour in it. Blend thoroughly so as to ensure that there are no lumps. Add turmeric powder, salt and 3 cups of water.
Heat oil in a Kadhai. Add fenugreek seeds and dry red chili. Stir fry for half minute. Add Gram flour and Yogurt mixture. Bring it to a boil and simmer on a slow fire for about 15 minutes. Stir occasionally.
Add red chili powder and fried pakoras and again simmer the punjabi kadi for about 5 minutes.
Serve punjabi kadhi hot with steamed rice.




Aish - The Fairy Princess

Visit my Blog - 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I am just a simple girl

I am no one important,
I am just a simple girl
with a simple life.

I am no model,
that has a beautiful body
and a pretty face.
I am just a simple girl
with a simple life.

I am no inventor
that has an intelligent mind
and brilliant ideas.
I am just a simple girl
with a simple life.

I am no goddess
that everyone adores
and praises.
I am just a simple girl
with a simple life.

I am a simple girl
who dresses decent,
is smart,
needs little attention
and a simple life.

Communication in relationship

Thursday, October 6, 2011

70 Most Common Gunah-e-Kabeera

Jin par waeeden aayi hai (71) Gunah-e-Kabeera hain. Jo baghair tauba ke maf nahi hote aur ek Gunah he JAHANNAM le jane ke liye kafi hai isliye jitna ho sake in Gunaho se bacha jaye aur agar ho jaye to jald az jald ALLAH SWT se mafi talab kar li jaye...


In urdu

In english





Hiqarat se kisi par hasna...

Laughing contemptuously at someone…





Nasab mein ta'an karna...  

Taunting on someone's cast…





Bure laqab se pukarna...     

To call someone by a bad name…





Badghumani karna...         

To keep bad intentions against anyone…





Kisi ka aaib talash karna...

To find someone's demerits…





Kisi ki gheebat karna (peeth piche burayi karna)...

To do backbiting





Bila wajah kisi ko bura kahna...

Calling bad to someone without any reason…








Tohmat lagana... 

To falsely accuse someone…





Dhokha dena...  

To cheat someone...





Pichle gunaho par aar dilana...

To embarrass someone on his past  sins





Kisi ke nuqsan par khush hona...

To be happy on someone's loss…





Takabbur karna...  

Being arrogant…








Zaruratmand ki bawajood qudrat ke madad na karna

Not to help the needy despite being capable of helping





Kisi ke mal ka nuqsan karna...

Causing Loss of money to someone





Kisi ki aabroo ko sadma pahunchana...

Deliver a shock to the honor of someone





Chhoto par rahem na karna... 

Not Showing Mercy on Children





Bado ki izzat na karna...

Lack of respect for elders





Bhooko aur nango ki hasiyat ke mutabiq madad na karna...

Not helping poor accordingly to one's wealth / potential





Kisi dunyawi gharaz se 3 din se zyada bol chal chhod dena...

To Stop talking with someone more than 3 days for the sake of worldly reason…





Kisi jandar ki tasveer banana (by hand painting)...

To make pictures of any living things… (by hand painting)





Kisi ki zameen par apna dawa karna...

To claim ownership on someone's land…





Hatte katte ka bheekh mangna...

Begging by healthy people…





Darhi mundana (ya ek musht se kam par katarwana)...

To make shaving or trim beard before its handful length…





Kafiro aur fasiqo ka libas pahennna...

To wear non-believers dress





Mardo ko aurton ka libas pahennna...

wearing female dresses by men





Aurto ko mardo ka libas pahenna...

Wearing male dresses by women





Badkari karna...

To commit adultery…





Chori karna ...

To do theft…





Daketi dalna...

To do robbery





Jhoothi gawahi dena...

To give false witness





Yateem ka mal khana...

To take orphan's Property / Money.





Maa-baap ki nafarmani karna aur unhe takleef pahunchana...

Disobeying parents and hurting them





Be-khata jaan ko qatal karna...

To kill any living without any reason





Jhoothi qasam khana...

To take false oath





Rishwat dena...

To give bribe





Rishwat lena...

To take bribe





Rishwat ke mamle mein padna...

Being involved in the matter of bribery.





Sharab peena (haram)...

Having alcohol…





Juwan khelna...






Zulm karna...

To oppress someone…





Kisi ki koi cheez bina ijazat ke lena...

To take anything without one's permission…





Sood lena...

To take interest…





Sood dena...

To give interest…





Sood likhna…

To write about interest…





Sood par gawah banna…

To be witness on interest matters…





Jhooth bolna…

To tell a lie…





Amanat mein khayanat karna…

If anyone keep something as trust, then not returning it.





Wada khilafi karna…

To break the promise…





Pahne hue kapde se Takhno ko dhankna…

To wear cloths below ankles… ( For men)





Baghair Sharayi uzr ke jamat ki Namaz ko chhodna…

To give up the congregation prayer without reasons according to shariyah





Sharayi parda na karna…

Not to wear hijaab… (According to Shariyah)





Sharayi tareeka par tarka ko taqseem na karna, bilkhusoos bahno ko meeras mein hissa na dena…

Not to distribute family property according to Shariyah ruling, Specially in case of sisters, people don't give their part…





Riya kari karna… (Yani dikhawe ke liye koi kaam karna)

Show off… (Means to do any work for show off)…





Duniya kamane ke liye ilm-o-deen sikhna…

To gain Islamic Knowledge for getting worldly benefits …





Padosi ko takleef pahunchana…

To hurt neighbors…





Qata'a rahmi karna… (Yani qareebi rishtedaro se kisi duniyawi ranjish ki wajah se talluq todna)

To Break relationship in family… (Means Not to speak with close relatives for any worldly reason)





ALLAH ke faraiyz mein se kisi faraiyz ko chhodna… (Maslan Namaz, Roza, Zakat aur Hajj fardh hone ke bawajood na karna)

To leave any duties which is obligatory to be done for Allah SWT. (Like Salah, Fast, Zakat and Hajj)





Peshab ki chheento se badan wa kapdo ki hifazat na karna…

Not to save clothes and body from urine…





Kisi se keena rakhna… (Yani badla lene ka jazba dil mein rakhna)

To keep grudge for someone in heart…





Ujab yani apne aap ko acha samjhna…

To think oneself better than others…





Bukhl… (Yani shariyat ne jahan kharch karne ka hukm diya hai wahan kharch na karna)

Misery… (Not to spend money where shariyah gives permission)





Hirs… (Yani maal jama karne mein haram aur najaiyz tareeko se na bachna)

Not to take care in means of earning money whether it is Halal or Haram…





Kisi jaandar ko aag mein jalana…

To burn any living thing in fire…





Maal ko gunah mein kharch karna…

To Spend money in Sin…





Mazdoor se kaam lekar iski mazdoori na dena, ya kam dena, ya der karna…

After taking work from any worker, not to give him wages or less wages or delaying in it.





Khudkushi karna…

To Commit Suicide…





Jadoo Tona karna ya karana…

To do Incantation or making it done by others…





Shara'an jo kaam karna zaruri hain bawajood qudrat ke, is ka hukm na karna aur isi tarah jo kaam haram hai bawajood qudrat ke is se na rokna…

Not asking people for doing those work which is necessary as per shariyah, even if one is capable to do so, and not stopping people from those work which is haram, even if one is capable to do so





ALLAH ki rahmat se naummeed hona…

To be hopeless from the Mercy of ALLAH SWT.